Rick's Blog

  • Recipe For Ruining Your Day
  • Power of Words
  • Letting Go
(Without Really Trying) 1. I will plan to do twice as much as I can actually accomplish – over scheduling is the easiest way to drive yourself crazy!2. I will be inflexible – demanding everyone do things my way is guaranteed to raise your blood pressure;3. I will demand perfection Read More
Don't Be Your Own Worst Enemy "Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant seeds of either success or failure in the mind of another." --Napoleon Hill One of the most powerful and transformational forces in the universe is our words. They are the creative energy Read More
The Illusion of Control “He that would govern others should first be the master of himself.” — Philip Massinger Have you ever been in a situation where you felt out of control? Where no matter how hard you tried to gain control, it wasn’t going to happen? Well, about 15 years Read More

Healthy Organizational Growth

Dr. Rick Roepke
Are you looking for ways to create healthy organizational growth at your company? Dr. Rick Roepke specializes in helping executives take their team to the next level.